REGISTRATION FORM FOR LEARN USA GEOGRAPHY v1.0 (Schools and other Educational Institution) Name of School or District ____________________________________________________ Address _______________________________________________________________________ City __________________________ State/Province ______________ Zip Code ________ Country _______________________ SITE LICENSING PRICES OPTION 1 - $8.00 - Use Learn USA Geography v1.0 on one computer at a time in one school. OPTION 2 - $25.00 - Use Learn USA Geography v1.0 on as many computers as you have in one school. OPTION 3 - $150.00 - Use Learn USA Geography v1.0 on as many schools as you have in one district. * Note - With this option, each school within a district will receive their own personalized version of this program - i.e., the school's name will appear on the title screen of the program. Please check one of the following plans : [ ] Option 1 [ ] Option 2 [ ] Option 3 Subtotal = ______________________ Texas residents - please add 8.25% sales tax. = ______________________ Foreign Orders - please add $4.00 Shipping & Handling = ______________________ Total amount enclosed = $_____________________ Send check or money order (in U.S. dollars) to : Daniel Gonzalez 5423 Bakersfield San Antonio, TX 78228-6514 Make check payable to : Daniel Gonzalez. Allow one week for delivery. Thank you for purchasing LEARN USA GEOGRAPHY.